Insulation Board
Insulation boards are a highly versatile form of insulation that offer excellent thermal efficiency thanks to innovative manufacturing processes and materials such as polystyrene. These boards are available in a wide variety of thicknesses from 25mm ...
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is PIR Insulation?
Polyisocyanurate or PIR insulation is a popular form of insulation due to its versatility and superb thermal efficiency. It’s one of the most common kinds of insulation in use today, particularly in new build properties throughout the UK.
PIR insulation boards are manufactured by combining several materials together to create a rigid foam board that’s often placed between two foil facings. This protects the insulation board from moisture, one of the most common causes of damage and biggest reasons for inefficiency.
PIR boards is used in a variety of applications, such as loft, wall and floors. It is also incredibly simple to install thanks to its rigidity, which also prevents them from sagging and becoming less effective.
The polyisocyanurate formula used in PIR insulation boards also provides up to eighty times more thermal insulation than alternatives. When combined with the foil facing used by brands such as Celotex, this allows you to prevent thermal-bridging and offers protection from moisture.
Are These Insulation Boards Waterproof?
While PIR insulation boards are generally resistant to moisture, they are not fully waterproof. You should therefore avoid leaving them exposed to rainfall or using them in locations where they will be exposed to water.
Insulation boards exposed to excess water become far less effective, as the moisture fills the air pockets in the insulation board and prevents air from being trapped in there. Excess moisture will also encourage mould build-up on your insulation boards, which will then need to be replaced.
Is PIR Insulation Flammable?
Whilst we urge you to refer to the manufacturer’s fire testing certifications, commercially available PIR insulation is not typically flammable. Much like other types of insulation, such as mineral wool, it has been specially designed to be non-combustible.
What’s more, when placed under extreme heat these insulation boards produce little smoke and will not melt or drip. This ensures the safety of your family and protection of your property in the unfortunate scenario of a fire occurring.
How to Cut Insulation Boards
Rigid insulation boards are very simple to cut cleanly, even for homeowners. All you need is a sharpened utility blade or craft knife.
- Mark out where you want to cut using a straight edge and a marker pen.
- Carefully slice along the marked edge.
- Repeat the cut once more to ensure a full, clean separation.
And you’re done! As always, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and wear appropriate safety equipment before commencing any work.