Roofing Coping Stones
Whether you’re building a new garden wall or are adding the finishing touches the surround of a flat roof, coping stones are a necessity. As well as protecting the upper face of a wall from weather, coping stones also help to keep water away from t...
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Coping Stone Should I Buy?
When buying coping stones for your roof, you must consider how it'll be maintained, what size you require, and your budget. These will determine the type of coping for your project.
To help we've put together a coping stone buyers guide. As well as explain the differences between coping, this will provide guidance on the best option for your roofspace.
How Much Should Coping Overhang?
Whilst the necessary overhang can vary, an overhang of 25-35mm on each side is typical. This will ensure that your coping is able to shed water away from your wall and therefore prevent moisture build-up.
Why Are Coping Stones Used on Flat Roofs?
Many flat roofs will have a boundary wall, particularly those that may be accessed for maintenance or have a space for people to socialise. This makes it a safer space, with the wall acting as a crucial barrier at height.
A boundary wall around your roofspace also adds to the kerb appeal of a property. This is as it hides the edges of the roof membrane, which can look unsightly to some. A wall also makes the property appear taller and more uniform.
Whereever there is a wall, you'll need to cap the top of your brickwork or masonry. As well as add a sleek finish to the wall, coping stones prevent water ingress whilst also diverting water away from the face of the wall.